Elecciones en el Mundo


Visit the Elecciones en el Mundo website Visit the Organizaciones de Observación Electoral website

Created for the Misión de Observación Electoral in Colombia.

The first one of these two interactive maps highlights recent and upcoming elections around the world, and allows the user to filter them by year, type, and country. In addition, details of the elections are available in the popup window, along with a “Polity” score, measuring the level of democracy or authoritarianism in each country.

The second map shows all organizations that conduct electoral observation & monitoring that are members of GNDEM (Global Network for Domestic Electoral Monitoring). On this map, you can find information about electoral processes in each country, as well as relevant information about each organization.


Built with Tangram and Leaflet.

Contact at email, Github & Twitter | made with Jekyll & Tachyons | CC BY-NC-ND 4.0